This article originally appeared in the Law of Circulation section of the March/April 2024 issue of Science of Mind magazine
In meditation, I often use the breath to find my center. Following the breath, I become aware of the moment and am present to what is.
Breathing is a beautiful metaphor for the law of circulation. Every inhale reminds us that the abundance of the Universe is always flowing and forever available.
The air we so freely breathe reminds us that Spirit is our inexhaustible source and supply. Every inhale is a powerful representation of receiving all that we need, right when we need it. Yet, we can't keep inhaling forever.
Every inhale is balanced by an exhale. Exhaling reminds us that as we share our abundance, we participate in life. Our abundance flows outward, creating jobs, supporting others and doing good work in the world.
More than sharing (from which we also naturally receive), giving is pure exhale. Giving, with gratitude and joy, brings balance to our lives. It is the exhale that allows more inhale, but we can't exhale forever.
In mediation, as my breathing slows and deepens, I also notice that the pause between the inhale and the exhale lengthens.
Sometimes, the pause is almost as long as the breath itself, and I remain peaceful and calm. I don't gasp for air in the next inhale, nor do I feel the need to push out the exhale. From the pause, each breath naturally arises.
This is equally true in the law of circulation. Be still and absolutely know that the abundance of the universe is forever present and available. This is the pause from which our giving and receiving naturally and effortlessly flow.